How To Avoid WhatsApp Ban

Most users just want to send lots of messages to lots of people in a very short time as a marketing way. This could be the main reason why their number gets banned by WhatsApp. However, some other reasons led your WhatsApp account to be banned.

  • A sudden increase in the number of messages sent. Especially on a new number.

  • Sending the same message to lots of people, in a short time.

  • The ratio of sent and received is wrong. You are sending lots of messages but you receive very few messages.

  • Sending messages to unsaved contacts can also result in a ban. This means that you are sending messages to people whom you don’t know.

  • People report or block you that is the top reason for your number getting banned.

You also can use the WaDefender software to check your WhatsApp account quality before you start using the WhatsApp account for any campaign activities.

You can get this WaDefender software from HeroSistem

Last updated