How To Connect Artificial Intelligence (A.I) With Wasapmatic
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Before using the A.I feature, you need to have the API keys from the A.I providers. In Wasapmatic, you can choose up to 3 A.I providers which is:
Claude Ai
Gemini Ai
You have the flexibility to choose from these 3 A.I options, each offering different pricing plans and features. For more info about these 3 A.I providers, you need to check from each provider website.
To add the API keys, go to the Artificial Intelligence section and click the API Keys menu.
Then, click the ADD API KEY to add a new A.I API key
Then, you will see a popup form like this:
Fill all the required fields;
Name: Create a name for your API Key. This is for your reference for the campaign that you will use.
Provider: Choose A.I provider that you want to use. (OpenAI, Gemini AI, Claude AI).
Initial Prompt: Create an initial prompt for your A.I. This is the main instruction to your A.I.
Post Prompt: Create the post prompt for your A.I. This is specific and detailed instruction to your A.I.
Group Reply: Enable this if you want the A.I to respond to all messages in all of your WhatsApp group.
Vision: Enable this if you want the A.I to capture and understand the image received in chat. This feature works depend on the A.I model that you use.
Transcription: Enable this if you want A.I to transcript the audio/video file received. This feature is only available with OpenAI.
Model: Choose a model for your A.I Provider. Each model have pros and cons. Each model also have different pricing structure. Choose wisely based on your needs.
Max Token: Enter the value of maximum token that an A.I allowed to use. You can think of tokens as pieces of words, where 1,000 tokens is about 750 words.
History Threshold: Set the limit for how many past interactions the A.I retains to help manage processing time and context understanding. Recommended value is 50.
API Key: The most important part. Fill this section with the API key that you got from the A.I provider.
Example of Initial Prompt:
These are the instructions the AI should follow before starting the conversation.
Example of Post Prompt:
These are the instructions to ensure the AI response remain strictly aligned (focus) with the specified context or topic. To maintain a consistent and focused dialogue
After you fill all the information, then click submit button to complete.
You can create several API option by using the same API Key from the same provider. You can differentiate it by using different prompts for each API. Depend on your task.